Friday, April 15, 2011

4/15/11 BLUE DAY and other colors

daily activitity:

we had a quiz about the movie Scott Pilgrims VS The World in connection with short story. After that we met with our group for our reporting which to be presented as a talk show,hahaha twisty isn't it? We'll it's about RASHOMON a Japanese short story, well haven't red it. I'll just blog it about it if I finish the story. I just noticed that this year was like about JAPAN (for me); 1. We had a Nihongo Class and had COSPLAY, then the incident happened at Fukushima, chocolates from my friend Mhatet which came from Japan and now this Rashomon. hmmm fishsy,=) anyways we didn't have class on BC.yey! home early.

had fried eggs for lunch and cold chocolate=3. On our Philo class we tackled about the importance and functions of body parts. First part are the Brain, Eyes and Spine. And i can relate to the eye 'coz i have this inborn defect, i'm near sighted. Can't really see out far without my glasses and lenses.

we went to the movies tonight(^____^), watch RIO. It's an AMAZING movie, very colorful and muscial. But I'm kinda not over it on the ending, it seem like "is that it?". I don't if its a cliff-hanger or I'm just not satisfied with it, thou the movie still great.

Watching RIO at the Mall

 i don't know whats goin but at school there were lots of us wearing BLUE shirts,hehehe and also RED and PINK.hehehe

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